Letters to the Editor

Letter: What is a flag?

There is a person or group of persons who have twice vandalized the Pride flag at Lutheran Church of Hope on Northern Lights Boulevard. The first time was Saturday, June 15. On Sunday, Father’s Day, we put it back up after services. On Monday morning, we found the flag had again been removed. The second time it was replaced with the Stars and Stripes.

I wish to thank the vandals for reminding us that there are two flags to fly this month symbolizing our freedom and love of our country and one another. The Pride flag reminds us that all of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters have been struggling for equal rights and the freedoms that go with those rights. The Stars and Stripes are a symbol of the equal rights that all of us struggle to achieve during our lives. Side by side, they show our love for one another.

I somehow don’t think that is what the vandals had that in mind when they put up the Star-Spangled Banner. Thanks again for showing us that the flags should be flown together as our symbol of unity and freedom.

The Stars and Stripes are now hanging together with our symbol of love for the community — which, of course, includes the vandals.

— Don Bladow

Member, Lutheran Church of Hope


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