Letters to the Editor

Letter: Poor character

During all the furor over Rep. George Santos’ conduct while in Congress, the question most often occurring to me: Why was he even there? During his campaign, his character, or lack thereof, was obvious to anyone who paid the least attention. His lies regarding his background were exposed and well-covered by the press.

The primary reason Santos was elected was that the Republicans were desperate for every vote to help maintain their razor-thin majority in the House. They were quite willing to admit any kind of sleazeball who would provide them with that vote.

House Republicans shamelessly greased the skids to allow Santos to slide through his election knowing full well that he lied, cheated, and probably stole his way through life. During some of his more loose-tongued moments, he practically admitted it. I am rapidly losing whatever respect I formerly had for the “Grand Old Party.”

— Don Neal


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Don Neal

Don Neal is a retired soldier and occupational safety professional who has lived in Alaska for 47 years, currently in Anchorage.